


2022: Our Year in Review

This past year, we focused our efforts on developing new security solutions, enhancing our existing technologies, and further improving our capabilities for protecting our clients’ property. Here's a selection of notable achievements  and advancements from the year in review:
February 9, 2023

New Cannabis Security Regulations. Are You Compliant?

As construction continues to boom across North America, project sites make good targets for thieves. Heavy machinery, specialized trade tools, and common construction power tools are high value to criminals and easy to fence. What can be done to mitigate tool theft on construction sites, and catch thieves in the…
Layne Sheppard
February 3, 2023
SecurityTheft Prevention

Protecting our Municipal Properties

Unlawful behavior ultimately affects the ability of Municipalities to deliver critical services to its citizens. Criminal activities and vandalism require significant funds to provide temporary mitigation, repair, and replacement costs. What issues do cities and towns face, and what can be done to better protect them?
December 8, 2022